Old Town
North Scottsdale
Art Media
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After Party by David Michael Slonim
Grass Eater by Rocky Hawkins
New Mexico #28 by Fritz Scholder
Passage XIV by Dan Namingha
Leaves Over Light by Cyndy Carstens
Four Seasons #3 by John Fincher
Baby of the Lake by Travis Walker
Wild Bill by Greg Woodard
Reconnoitering the Ridge by Dennis Ziemienski
Out There by Travis Walker
Traveling Through Time by Stan Natchez
Lefty by Duke Beardsley
Sun Up Snowy by Greg Woodard
Tlingit Berry Basket- #B19-108 Deep Purple/Midnight by Preston…
Home by Erica Vhay
A Watchful Light by Cyndy Carstens
7 and 7 by Ben Steele
The Sunbathers by Dennis Ziemienski
Cocoaunt Grove by Dennis Ziemienski
Big Medicine, Heroic Edition by Greg Woodard
Water Magic by Dennis Ziemienski
Old Cocktail Sign by Dennis Ziemienski
The Moon Marks the Seasons by Hilario Gutierrez
Buffalo Old News by Rocky Hawkins
Rock and Roll Crayons by Ben Steele
Mr. Saturday Night by David Michael Slonim
Three Extended Forms by James Myford
November Cloud, 2015 by Ed Mell
Lavender Morning by Travis Walker
Tlingit Berry Basket- #B20-18 Salmon/Brick by Preston Singletary
Ghost Rider by Greg Woodard
Teton Grazing by Dennis Ziemienski
S'aimer (Loving oneself) by Gilbert Garcin
Freedome- Ghost Rider by Greg Woodard
Snow-capped Teton by Dennis Ziemienski
The Lost Highway by Bradford Overton
Reflection at Old Faithful by Dennis Ziemienski
Another Dream Horse by Fritz Scholder
Aquarium Glass, Multitasking by Robert McCauley
3 Walkers by Travis Walker
Cafe by Dennis Ziemienski
Untitled by John Healey
Vaquero Pequeno Aquatico - Azul by Duke Beardsley
Aesthetic Perspectives by Cyndy Carstens
Toots by Dennis Ziemienski
Us by Erica Vhay
Dragonfly Realm by Tony Abeyta
Searching For Freedom by Cyndy Carstens
Options by Robert McCauley
Untitled Bird (#9546) by John Olsen
Windhover by David Michael Slonim
The Musicians by Philip Campbell Curtis
Tlingit Shelf Basket- #B19-21 Blue/ Blue by Preston Singletary
Red Horse 65 by September Vhay
The Table by Philip Campbell Curtis
Aspen Harmonies by Cyndy Carstens
Urban Indian Series #3 by Tony Abeyta
Indian Head Penny by Greg Woodard
I Love This Western Look! by Ben Steele
Street Corner Melodies by Cyndy Carstens
Royal Wolf by Duke Beardsley
Portrait of Philip C Curtis by James G Todd
My Escape by Kenneth Peloke
Best Western by Ben Steele
Chief Joseph by David Frederick Riley
Los Rancheros - Dos by Duke Beardsley
Desert Skyscrapers by Dennis Ziemienski
Jacob Wrestling with the Angel by Leonard Baskin
The Forest II by Philip Campbell Curtis
Gimme Shelter by Bradford Overton
War Chant by Glenna Goodacre
Fox Fetish by Tammy Garcia
Aspen Silhouette by Cyndy Carstens
Lockhart Border by Travis Walker
Untitled by Michael Anderson
Perceptions #1-4 by Brad Durham
Maestro by Don Simmons
Gimme Three Steps by Bradford Overton
Indian with Blue Face by Paul Pletka
Spring Fed by David Michael Slonim
Highway Men by Duke Beardsley
Indian Nickel by Greg Woodard
A Rose For Sorrow, A Rose For Joy by Cynthia Dawson
Firehole Study No. 1 by Travis Walker
Runnin Fool by Travis Walker
Untitled by Michelle Stuhl
Meem's, Santa Fe by Alvin Gill Tapia
Beekeeper V by Robert McCauley
Untitled (Two Portraits) by Paul Pletka
Poodle Ranch (Study) by Travis Walker
Series 5 (Diagonal Head) by Robert Stivers
Buffalo Medicine by Greg Woodard
Buffalo Nickel (State II) by Greg Woodard
His and Hers by Ben Steele
Mount Parnassus by Candice Eisenfeld
On String Lake by Dennis Ziemienski
Sitting by Kevin Sloan
Legend by Greg Woodard
Lone Rider by Malcolm Furlow
Winter, Moonlight, Billy by Thom Ross
Drinking Vessels by Christopher Pelley
Orchid with Two Leaves by Fritz Scholder
Chief Duck by David Frederick Riley
Towering Clouds, Lake Powell, 1990 by Ed Mell
Summer's End by Travis Walker
Sgt. William Carney by Thom Ross
Dancing Twins II by Kevin Robb
Tlingit Berry Basket- #B18-133 Tea/Yellow by Preston Singletary
Bocados: Morado by Duke Beardsley
San Valentin by Duke Beardsley
Trail Boss by Kenneth Peloke
Silent Giants by Cyndy Carstens
Alba by Gustavo Ramos Rivera
An Embrace by James Davis
Two Forms by James Myford
Working Hive by Robert McCauley
Fall Pool Party by Travis Walker
Etruria by Christopher Pelley
RB 28 by September Vhay
Much Respect by Duke Beardsley
Searching for Souls (triptych) by Paul Pletka
Tlingit Berry Basket- #B20-13 Dark Salmon/Black by Preston Singletary
Abstract Tower by Kenji Umeda
RB 25 by September Vhay
Suribachi by Thom Ross
Dawn After Breakup by Travis Walker
Taking on Jupiter by Greg Woodard
RB 24 by September Vhay
Transition 2 by Erica Vhay
Flowing Spaces by David Grossmann
Hotel Victoria by Don Simmons
Fantasmas Graficos- Gris by Duke Beardsley
Fourth Street by Erica Vhay
Teton Theater (Shane) by Travis Walker
Tlingit Berry Basket- #B18-136 Salmon/Red by Preston Singletary
Towards Another World by Rocky Hawkins
Coffee Break by Dennis Ziemienski
Sea of Tranquility by Thom Ross
Dreamworks VIII by Dick Jemison
Native by Robert McCauley
Dust Up by David DeVary
That Song by Erica Vhay
Renegades by Bradford Overton
Black Beauty by David Frederick Riley
Tlingit Shelf Basket- #B17-13 Green/Midnight by Preston Singletary
Cactus Motel by Dennis Ziemienski
Calling Thunder by Cyndy Carstens
Red Horse 97 by September Vhay
Lincoln by Greg Woodard
Saguaro Caress by Cyndy Carstens
Visible Reminders, One Day by Beth Ames Swartz
Liberate, 2020 by Kenneth Peloke
Untitled by Rick Lussier
Pedazos Rojos by Duke Beardsley
Los Tartanos by Duke Beardsley
Lawmen's Walk by Thom Ross
Red Horse 109 by September Vhay
Mule Train to Phantom Ranch by Dennis Ziemienski
High Wire by Bradford Overton
Surfing Lessons by Dennis Ziemienski
Urban Indian Series #1 by Tony Abeyta
Tlingit Berry Basket- #B20-14 Blue/Blue by Preston Singletary
Canyon Wren Kachina by Dan Namingha
Moon Dance by September Vhay
Shalako Night by Dan Namingha
Quiet Fields (quadriptych) by Hilario Gutierrez
Grizzly by Dennis Ziemienski
Traicion by Duke Beardsley
Hyperion by David Michael Slonim
Tears by Cyndy Carstens
Deeper Magic by David Michael Slonim
Those Living at Sunrise by Paul Pletka
Cornered by Greg Woodard
Untitled by Dan Namingha
Regalo Rosa by Duke Beardsley
Tuscadero by Duke Beardsley
El Maestro by Duke Beardsley
Untitled by Jeff Low
Bocados: Naranja by Duke Beardsley
Indian Head Penny by Greg Woodard
Bocados: Azul by Duke Beardsley
Ursus Americanus by Robert McCauley
Desert Song by Cyndy Carstens
Totem by Greg Woodard
Frontera Perdida by Duke Beardsley
Gone Riding by Kenneth Peloke
Not About The Bear by Robert McCauley
Guernica to Wounded Knee by Stan Natchez
Rick Monday by Thom Ross
Grand Teton with Bright Sunset by David Grossmann
Yellow Horizontal Flower by Fritz Scholder
Untitled by Lucy Roussel
Todas las Guitarras (Que Nunca Deberias Haber Vendido) by Tony Abeyta
Untitled by Paul Pletka
Highwayman One by Duke Beardsley
Jack Johnson by Thom Ross
Coppia Fissa by Afro Celotto
Buffalo Man by Fritz Scholder
Avaricia by Duke Beardsley
ART by Larry Kagan
Aguacero de Primavera by Tony Abeyta
Ricochet by Greg Woodard
Man and Lion by Fritz Scholder
San I, NM by Alvin Gill Tapia
Love and Squalor Series 3 by Gary Weidner
The Visitor by Travis Walker
Pool of Diamonds by Dennis Ziemienski
Shadowfax by Rocky Hawkins
Spring in the Desert by Dennis Ziemienski
In Passing by Erica Vhay
Wavelength by David Michael Slonim
Single Elongated Form (Blue) by James Myford
Desert Cowgirl No. 5 by Ben Steele
Poncho by Duke Beardsley
Flower at Barcelona by Fritz Scholder
RB 27 by September Vhay
Red Horse 94 by September Vhay
Two Totems in Gay Colors by Ida Kohlmeyer
Traditional Dancer, 1990 by John Nieto
Cinderella Series - Puppies by William Wegman
Pool Toy by Dennis Ziemienski
Autumn at Truchas by Alvin Gill Tapia
Deer Run Radiance Two by September Vhay
Untitled (Mother and Child) by Francisco Zuniga
Shelf Basket- #B18-76 Rust/Orange by Preston Singletary
Snake River Evening by Travis Walker
Yellow Brick Roads by Ashley Collins
Urban Indian Series #2 by Tony Abeyta
Never Will by Duke Beardsley
Meditation Stone XIV by Karl Prantl
Moonshoot #2 by Bradford Overton
Death of Yellow Hair by Thom Ross
Red Horse 108 by September Vhay
Small Town USA by Cyndy Carstens
Fragment of Song by David Michael Slonim
Sin Frontera by Duke Beardsley
Lockhart Ranch, Spring Creek by Travis Walker
Blue Hide by James Harvard
Yellowstone Bus at Old Faithful Inn by Dennis Ziemienski
Spirit Alliance- #S13-03 by Preston Singletary
A Story About Me by Kevin Sloan
Improv No. 4 by David Michael Slonim
Fritz Scholder by John Nieto
Regarding the Trail by Dennis Ziemienski
Moyetzicate by Bradford Overton
Tlingit Shelf Basket- #B19-52 Elderberry/Purple by Preston Singletary
Pink Moon by Duke Beardsley
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Thom Ross
Ride the Lightning by Bradford Overton
Tin Man Redux by Duke Beardsley
Rustler's Moon by Bradford Overton
Rebel Vacation by Travis Walker
A Walk in the Park by Erica Vhay
Moon Over Thunderbird Mesa by Hilario Gutierrez
Spike by Duke Beardsley
Flower Moon by Duke Beardsley
Wind, Sea & Silence by Cyndy Carstens
Obstruccion 3 by Duke Beardsley
The Yellowstone Bus by Dennis Ziemienski
Lower Falls of the Yellowstone by Dennis Ziemienski
Untitled, Blue/Grey by Renelle White Buffalo
Untitled by Amado Maurilio Pena
Argent de Poche by Duke Beardsley
Vaqueros Andres - Naranja, Limon, Azul, Rosa by Duke Beardsley
Rising Winter Moon by David Grossmann
Awe by Cyndy Carstens
Pixels & Light by Cyndy Carstens
Three Apache Ghan Dancers by Paul Pletka
Returning to Remington by Ben Steele
Snake River Walk by Travis Walker
Sun in Your Eyes (Firehole River) by Travis Walker
Aspiration by Cyndy Carstens
The Green Hatband by Thom Ross
Garden House #1 by Mayme Kratz
Regalo Azul by Duke Beardsley
Sioux Sun Dancer by John Nieto
Blue & Black Vase (with birds) by David Levi
Rien n'est parfait (Nothing is perfect) by Gilbert Garcin
Pecos Evening by Alvin Gill Tapia
How to Disappear by Rocky Hawkins
End in the Dust by Duke Beardsley
Tlingit Berry Basket- #B20-20 Cream/Red by Preston Singletary
Night Fire Gathering by Tony Abeyta
Bocados: Cafe by Duke Beardsley
Shelf Basket- #B3-59 Snow/Shell by Preston Singletary
Scavi LII (triptych) by Marcia Myers
Firefly by David Michael Slonim
Cinderella Series - Cinderella In Her Coach by William Wegman
Golden Road by David Michael Slonim
Diminutive Overture by Cyndy Carstens
San Saba by Duke Beardsley
That's No Moon by Travis Walker
Remembering the Past, Protecting the Present by Robert Palusky
It's a Stretch by Greg Woodard
The Quick and the Dead- Panama Red by Bradford Overton
Casa de los Dichos by Alvin Gill Tapia
Manzanita Sphere by Asay Davis Studios
Earthen Columns I by Asay Davis Studios
Teton Blues by Travis Walker
Monument Valley Grandeur by Dennis Ziemienski
Hopi Maidens by Stan Natchez
Coyote by John Nieto
Oasis, 2020 by Kenneth Peloke
Dispensing Justice by Ben Steele
Fraude by Duke Beardsley
Untitled by Hunt Slonem
Bosquejos Cinco by Duke Beardsley
Alchemical Trees (diptych) by Jo-Ann Lowney
Tlingit Shelf Basket- #B17-105 Amber/Black by Preston Singletary
Ice Cream Light by Dennis Ziemienski
Free Fall Silence by Rocky Hawkins
Bocados: Gris by Duke Beardsley
Tlingit Berry Basket- #B20-19 Salmon/Cedar by Preston Singletary
Deer Run Radiance One by September Vhay
Fantasmas Graficos- Blanco by Duke Beardsley
Tlingit Berry Basket- #B19-109, Cranberry/Cedar by Preston Singletary
Captura Spectrum by Rocky Hawkins
Dawn by Christopher Pelley
Vaquero Pequeno Aquatico - Ciruela by Duke Beardsley
Love and Squalor Series 5 by Gary Weidner
Tlingit Berry Basket- #B19-105 Forest Green/Black by Preston…
The Messenger by Bradford Overton
Autumn Forest Glow by David Grossmann
Finding Solace by Cyndy Carstens
Freedom by Cyndy Carstens
Eagle Medicine Man by Greg Woodard
Drawing at High Noon by Ben Steele
Guardian by Tony Abeyta
Hope by Cyndy Carstens
Inception, 2020 by Kenneth Peloke
Monolithic Forms (2 elements) by James Myford
Seated Nude by David Michael Slonim
Faceted Form 2 by Joshua Dopp
Tlingit Shelf Basket- #B18-132 Blue/Ruby by Preston Singletary
Yellow Aspen Patterns by David Grossmann
Yellow Icon I (triptych) by Quim Bove
Journey by Cyndy Carstens
Tlingit Berry Basket- #B19-48 Purple/Midnight by Preston Singletary
Herejia by Duke Beardsley
Stork Club by Dennis Ziemienski
Autumn Patterns and Hovering Sun by David Grossmann
Los Rancheros - Tres by Duke Beardsley
Brave by David Frederick Riley
White Kitchen by James Davis
Taos Turtle Dancer by Paul Pletka
Untitled by Elias Rivera
The Lifeguard by Dennis Ziemienski
It's Already Late (#2) by Mayme Kratz
Regal Sampler by Peter Anton
Astruso by Afro Celotto
A Fistful of Popcorn by Ben Steele
The Promise of Moonlight by Farraday Newsome
Furtive by Josh Garber
Dreamwork XV by Dick Jemison
Pedazos Palidos by Duke Beardsley
Against the Wind by Travis Walker
Morning Light by Erica Vhay
If A Tureen Falls In The Forest by Robert McCauley
Euphoria Sonata by Cyndy Carstens
Ginger Leads the Way by Dennis Ziemienski
Las Animas by Duke Beardsley
The End of the Prairie by Dennis Ziemienski
Purple & Yellow Base (with stripes) by David Levi
Tough Indian by Malcolm Furlow
Bird Sanctuary by Tony Abeyta
Prodigy by Kenneth Peloke
Highwayman Two by Duke Beardsley
Ha-Ho-No-Geh Canyon by Ed Mell
Ranch Life by Travis Walker
Vaquero Pequeno Aquatico - Cantalupo by Duke Beardsley
The Great Leap by Travis Walker
Mensaje a Mi Mismo (Memo to Myself) by Emilio Lobato
Single Cowboy by Frederick Prescott
Pelican Profile by James Davis
Foray by JE Knauf
Artist as Self Portrait by Paul Pletka
Red Polka-Dot Suit by Dennis Ziemienski
Centaur #1, 1993 by Fritz Scholder
Winter Breakup by Travis Walker
Untitled Bird (9901) by John Olsen
The Tetons in the Spring by Travis Walker
Migration by Travis Walker
Thursday Evening by Erica Vhay
Sotia by Greg Woodard
Parlee by Duke Beardsley
Red Horse 67 by September Vhay
Hooligran Creek (diptych) by Dorothy Fratt
Diving Girl Brand by Dennis Ziemienski
Orange Whip by Duke Beardsley
Big Wall VIII by Dick Jemison
Large Globe by Robert Palusky
Cannnon Ball by Dennis Ziemienski
Doolittle's Ghost #4 by Greg Woodard
Old Faithful Inn by Dennis Ziemienski
On a Journey by Kenji Umeda
Rebel Orphan by Travis Walker
Two Deer with Yellow Sky by David Grossmann
Beyond by Cyndy Carstens
Woodlands No. 56 by David Michael Slonim
Those Living at Sunrise (T: 79-608) by Paul Pletka
Single Strike, 2013 by Ed Mell
That Sunday by Erica Vhay
After Leigh (Buffalo Drive) by Travis Walker
Arctic Canary, Portrait by Robert McCauley
Edge of Town by Robert McCauley
Bastille by Duke Beardsley
The Root of All Evil by Michael Marlowe
Killer Whale Totem, #48/125 by Preston Singletary
Centennial Visitor by Thom Ross
Migration #6 by Michael Wright
Red Horse 106 by September Vhay
The Last Derby by Travis Walker
Apart (Flag) by Diana van Nes
April by Erica Vhay
Hollywood Endings by Travis Walker
Lincoln Penny by Greg Woodard
Snowball by Dennis Ziemienski
Highwayman Three by Duke Beardsley
Horizon #40 by Dan Namingha
The Lawmen by Thom Ross
Wyoming Cowgirl by Dennis Ziemienski
Tlingit Berry Basket- #B20-15 Blue/Blue by Preston Singletary
Buffalo Dancers - Cosmic Dance by John Nieto
Shooting Star by Greg Woodard
Transitions by Cyndy Carstens
Nectar Tangled Elipsoidal Orbit by Peter Deise
Neon Plunge by Dennis Ziemienski
Western Shootout by Travis Walker
Wyoming by Dennis Ziemienski
Coalmine Canyon by Ed Mell
CM Russell's Cowboy Crayons by Ben Steele
Dusk at San II Defonso by Alvin Gill Tapia
Tlingit Shelf Basket- #B19-51 Teal/Light Olive by Preston Singletary
Eagle Wind by Greg Woodard
Page 190 by Thom Ross
Delicate Dreams by Cyndy Carstens
Ranger by Kenneth Peloke
Trained to Only See the Picturesque by Robert McCauley
Rail Lines by Ben Steele
Quiet Canyon Rain by Tony Abeyta
Crow Dancer by September Vhay
On Your Mark by Dennis Ziemienski
Love Candies by Ben Steele
Vaqueros Pequenos 51 by Duke Beardsley
Portrait of Felix the Dog #2 by Fritz Scholder
Tranquility by Cyndy Carstens
Teton Oasis by Dennis Ziemienski
Teton Cabin by Dennis Ziemienski
Ira by Duke Beardsley
L'Attraction du Vide (The Attraction of the Void) by Gilbert Garcin
Electric Order by Larry Poons
Untitled by George Thiewes
Untitled by Rick Lussier
White Columns by James Myford
Orchid I by Fritz Scholder
San Il Defonse by Alvin Gill Tapia
Outskirts II by Robert McCauley
Mammoth Orange by Dennis Ziemienski
Anasazi Anatum by Greg Woodard
Untitled by Todd Hoyer
Into the Sunset by Greg Woodard
Swan Pond Clouds by Travis Walker
Spring Breeze, 2020 by Kenneth Peloke
Untitled by Michael Anderson
Woman Bathing by David Michael Slonim
Los Rancheros - Uno, Dos, Tres, Quatro by Duke Beardsley
Strawberry Blonde by Dennis Ziemienski
Tlingit Shelf Basket- #B16-31 Smoke/Dark Red by Preston Singletary
Not About the Fox by Robert McCauley
Indian Encampment After Blakelock (State I) by Fritz Scholder
Blue Coat by Paul Pletka
The Reckoning by Greg Woodard
Emperor by James Myford
Jackson Hole Welcomes You by Dennis Ziemienski
Study for No 21 by Michael Wright
A New Day by Erica Vhay
Ombroso by Afro Celotto
Elm Sphere by Asay Davis Studios
Separated at Birth - Cactus by Robert McCauley
Sunday Morning by Erica Vhay
Rio and the Indians by Malcolm Furlow
Tlingit Berry Basket- #B20-16 Amber/Orange by Preston Singletary
The Cowboy's Canteen by Dennis Ziemienski
Looks West by Greg Woodard
The Bathing Cap by Dennis Ziemienski
High Noon by Travis Walker
Alice's Pecos by Alvin Gill Tapia
Yucca Motel by Dennis Ziemienski
Puma Brand by Dennis Ziemienski
Rustler's Moon (color) by Bradford Overton
Moonshot #1 by Bradford Overton
San Il Defonso by Alvin Gill Tapia
Lujuria by Duke Beardsley
La Punta de la Glorietta by Thom Ross
Limbo by Duke Beardsley
The Empty Bar by Travis Walker
Self Portrait in Barcelona by Fritz Scholder
Shooting Star, ("You Know That You Are") by Bradford Overton
Oasis Brand by Dennis Ziemienski
Mesas, 1980 by Ed Mell
Subdued Nightfall by Cyndy Carstens
Red Horse 82 by September Vhay
Shire by Pam Castano
Buffalo - A Ledger by Greg Woodard
Tlingit Shelf Basket- #B19-53 Cobalt/Blue by Preston Singletary
Red Horse 102 by September Vhay
Dusty Dress by James Harvard
The Bather by Glenna Goodacre
Aspect of Light by Cyndy Carstens
Snake River by Dennis Ziemienski
Four Powers of the World by Stan Natchez
Woman with Dog by David Michael Slonim
Winter's Daybreak by Cyndy Carstens
San Miguel, Santa Fe by Alvin Gill Tapia
Returning by Ed Mell
Very Superstitious by Bradford Overton
Rejuvenate, 2020 by Kenneth Peloke
Lowering Sun and Fading Autumn Forest by David Grossmann
Bocados: Rosa by Duke Beardsley
Pirate Moon by David Michael Slonim
Tlingit Berry Basket- #B18-112 Dark Amber/Black by Preston Singletary
O'Neill Butte by Merrill Mahaffey
Faceted Form by Joshua Dopp
Harper's Weekly (Beadwork) by Stan Natchez
Recoil by Kenneth Peloke
Gula by Duke Beardsley
Winter Thorns by Jeff Reich
View from My Window in Roma by Fritz Scholder
Renegade by Bradford Overton
Red Horse 107 by September Vhay
Inside the North Clarke Street Garage by Thom Ross
Freeway Entrance by Candice Eisenfeld
Tlingit Berry Basket- #B20-17 Amber/Cedar by Preston Singletary
Los Rancheros - Uno by Duke Beardsley
Taking on the 119 by Greg Woodard
Doolittle's Ghost by Greg Woodard
Tatanka by Greg Woodard
Gravity by Cyndy Carstens
Pedazos Complementarios by Duke Beardsley
White Gold Moon and Pale Green Sky by David Grossmann
Across the Refuge by Travis Walker
Frolic Room by Dennis Ziemienski
Tequila Sunrise by Dennis Ziemienski
Dreamwork - AA by Dick Jemison
#34 by Mayme Kratz
Untitled Bird (Red Beak) by John Olsen
Violencia by Duke Beardsley
Serenity by Cyndy Carstens
Sitting Bull, Four Powers of the World by Stan Natchez
The Encore by Bradford Overton
The Couple by Suzanne Klotz
Dawn After Breakup No. 2 by Travis Walker
Untitled by Ted Adler
Ho Jo by Duke Beardsley
Horse With No Name by Bradford Overton
Capilla de la Sagrada Famila by Alvin Gill Tapia
Glitch by Robert McCauley
D-1 by John Donoghue
Against the Wall by Fritz Scholder
Polar Explorer by Thom Ross
Friday Morning by Erica Vhay
Avian Grace, #2/6 by Bart Walter
Family Vacation by Travis Walker
A Few Kernels More by Ben Steele
Highwayman Four by Duke Beardsley
Spring by Erica Vhay
The Iron Horse by Duke Beardsley
Star Gazer by David Michael Slonim
The Stand II by Travis Walker
Arch/Dome by Joshua Dopp
N-13 by John Donoghue
Indian Encampment After Blakelock (State II) by Fritz Scholder
Cycle of Life by Greg Woodard
Desert Ramparts by Dennis Ziemienski
Darkness Comes Unsettled by Hilario Gutierrez
Ranchos Alicia by Alvin Gill Tapia
Untitled by Gary Slater
Rain This Morning by Erica Vhay
The Walk by Cyndy Carstens
How Now Bow Wow by Steve Rand
Overo by Greg Woodard
Enlightened Splendor by Cyndy Carstens
Red Horse 76 by September Vhay
Untitled by Andrew Young
Wood Thrush by David Michael Slonim
Savanna by Erica Vhay
Flowers with Vines by Fritz Scholder
Antler Motel by Travis Walker
Never Had It by Duke Beardsley
Avian Grace Maquette, #2/8 by Bart Walter
Assisi's Blue Skies by Alvin Gill Tapia
Woman in Doorway by James Davis
Conundrum by Duke Beardsley
Western Lounge by Dennis Ziemienski
Untitled by Jeff Bertoncino
Los Rancheros - Quatros by Duke Beardsley
Teton Icefall by Dennis Ziemienski
Rompecabezas by Duke Beardsley
Night Rider by Travis Walker
Downtown Morning by Travis Walker
Lustral Light by Cyndy Carstens
Untitled by Lucy Roussel
Burial at Sea by Thom Ross
Campbell Soup by Stan Natchez
Outskirts I by Robert McCauley
Last Stand Crayons by Ben Steele