Kathrine Lemke Waste

kathrine lemke waste"I think it’s the artist’s job to get the viewer to, as the poet put it, “see into the life of things.” In a complex world that bombards us with thousands of visual messages each day, the enduring challenge for me as a painter is to get the viewer to use an “eye made quiet,” in order to hold a particular moment in time."

-- Kathrine Lemke Waste

Painter Kathrine Lemke Waste is a California-based artist with a national presence. Her still life works explore the artifacts of modern culture along with the abundance of her home in the Central Valley.

"Waste's visually poetic images have often been described as 'luminous.' Her works are distinctive in the way they capture light and reflections," writes Bonnie Gangelhoff of her work in Southwest Art Magazine. "Simple, ordinary objects are transformed through her imaginative eye."