James Myford

james myford"My approach to form is an extension of the concern I have for man to develop, improve, and enrich his environment. This idea became an important part of my behavior as a child. The urge to shape dirt, the selection of specific shaped stones from the small stream behind the home where I grew up, and the use of these choice stones to construct a wall or enhance the layout of a flower garden, were a part of my daily life. I enjoyed working with various kinds of materials: metal, wood, paint, clay, plants, stone, etc.

"I became excited while working with these materials, with their various physical properties and different characteristics. Materials become humanized--when rearranged by my ideas, feelings, and hands. This concept has been the root system, the inspiration, and the energy source for my sculpture. These ideas frequently appear in organic-like shapes; most often expressing a subtle inner strength gracefully interacting with space."

-- James Myford