Dick Jemison

dick jemisonJemison's work defies exact categorization. It is abstract, nonrepresentational, expressionistic and sometimes referred to as "contemporary primitive." He uses the basic marks that are common to all cultures, native or not: the dot, the line, the square, the triangle and the circle. From those elements he makes his own personal marks with their own variations of color, mixed with his own distinctive style and imagery.

For the most part Jemison works from his gut, letting his intuition guide his choice of marks and colors. He immerses himself in art that stimulates his primal, elemental self, and the work he produces is the product of his visits with imagery created by others who work from similar impulses. As the artistic filter of those influences Jemison brings such "visits" to the canvas to share with others. Through his own hieroglyphic marks he then takes his audience along on a virtual visit with him.