Cary Ennis

cary ennisEver seeking to recognize and express the beauty she sees in the world around her, Cary Ennis paints images that "combine a powerful sense of clarity and solidity with a feeling of deep and penetrating quiet," according to Southwest Art Magazine. She works in a Realist style, seeing beauty in the most ordinary as well as the sublime. Although her main focus has been still life, she also produces portraits, figurative work and landscapes.

Cary has also had a lifelong interest in a deeper understanding of life and of what it is to be human, and this has led her to a love of the world of appearance as a clear and direct expression of the simple truth of being. It is this simple seeing of the beauty in everyday objects and in the forms of nature, be it people, plant forms or landscapes that has inspired much of her work. To live a life of wholeness, to see that wholeness everywhere, and to paint as an expression of that, is her inspiration.