Bradford Overton

bradford overton"Some of my paintings are meant to host the sublime, which is the undercurrent of our world; it’s origin and mystery. Other paintings are meant to remind the viewer of an aspect or attribute to lay claim to. But the common thread is that they are meant to serve the viewer. I paint paintings that I want to see, that I can’t wait to paint. I simply trust my own interest and taste expecting others to come along. "

-- Brad Overton

Bradford Overton is a Salt Lake City based artist who likes to play the role of the trickster in art and life. The trickster or jokester is an energy he cultivates – intentionally balancing the typical sobriety of art with a touch (or wallop) of humor.

With Overton’s Vintage Toy series we get a sampling of his humor – all titles are taken directly from iconic rock song names ie: ‘Gimme Shelter’ or ‘Janie’s Got a Gun’ or ‘Against the Wind.’ With technically masterful attention to detail, Overton renders a naturalistic depiction of his subjects. The vintage toys are made of lead with misaligned paint-jobs and unignorable casting mold seams, these forgotten objects reemerge under Overton’s eye with the child-like levity and metaphysicality intended from the bygone curio.